New Tax Policy to Impact EOBI Pensioners with Progressive Tax Rates

Imposing Taxes on Pensioners

A new tax policy that the government is coming up with will be directed at pensioners. This policy plans to create a new tax threshold that is specifically for pensions with a progressive tax rate, where a surplus over the barrier would be charged at a higher tax rate.

The policy is also introduced to ensure that the government earns extra money and that the tax system is fair and equal. Yet, provision however has been made to protect the less fortunate persons via the current measure, and also do so by motivating new employment.

This article gives a breakdown of the new tax policy, its main goals, and how it will affect pensioners. It mainly focuses on pensioners ready to retire and whose pensions are given by Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI).

What is Imposing Taxes on Pensioners?

Taxing pensions by governments means that they demand retirees to pay taxes on their income received after they retire from their work. It is common in many countries. If a person has retired, the tax rules of the country have to be followed, no matter whether that is the home country people are living in or the place they reside now.

The reason for the governments to implement this regulation is to liken everyone – work or other sources – to pay a percentage of them in the tax, so the money they earn will not be left behind for others to pay. This leads to set up a system in which each individual gets equal treatment.

EOBI Imposing Taxes on Pensioners Latest News

The most recent up-to-date news shows that the EOBI is considering implementing this new taxation policy. The policy is currently being looked at, but it will be set in such a way that a lot of incomes will pay a tiered tax rate of the hold.

The organization has been striving hard to make it comprehend-able by the pensioner’s rule-of-the-old initiative will be better adapted to the plan.

What is the EOBI Pension Rule?

One of the key aspects of the EOBI pension scheme is the definition of the requirements and the advantages of the Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution beneficiaries.

According to the EOBI Act, those employed are eligible for a pension when they are 60 years old and women at 55 years old. The amount of pension is computed using the average wages of the employee and the number of years of contribution made to the EOBI.

Imposing Taxes on Pensioners

What is the New Update of EOBI?

One of the freshest updates from EOBI states that the institution is currently preparing to set up new income tax bands for pensions. This innovation is part of the wider effort to tax fairness and public services infrastructure.

Part of the EOBI’s plan is the improved communication of the services through workshops for retired citizens for them to understand the operation of the new system.

EOBI Imposing Taxes on Pensioners in Urdu

We have covered the entire new policy translated into the Urdu language so that it is available to all pension holders.

These will cover such activities as user login to the EOBI portal by means of CNIC, the possibility of pension eligibility checks, and the use of the EOBI calculator to unveil the amount of pension benefits that are to be taxed. Offering information in several languages is one of the EOBI’s cornerstones in its quest for transparency and inclusivity.


Imposing taxes on pensions is expected to generate significant revenue for the government. Potential benefits of this policy include increased tax fairness, as it ensures everyone contributes to public finances, and potentially incentivizing older adults to remain in the workforce.

The EOBI’s efforts to provide clear guidelines and detailed information in more than one language show its intention to be clear and head for social equity. Pensioners should keep themselves updated about the most recent developments and should use the resources that the EOBI makes available for them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

The latest pension rate for EOBI is periodically updated to reflect changes in the cost of living and other economic factors. Pensioners can check the latest rates on the EOBI website.

Yes, under the new policy, pension income exceeding a certain threshold will be subject to taxation in Pakistan.

Section 22 of the EOBI Act outlines the eligibility criteria for receiving a pension under the Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution. It details the required age and contributions needed to qualify for a pension.

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