EOBI Pensioners Protest in Islamabad Demands 200% Pension Increase

EOBI Pensioners Protest in Islamabad

In Islamabad, a significant EOBI Pensioners Protest is unfolding as Employees’ Old-Age Benefits Institution (EOBI) pensioners take to the streets.

These pensioners, many of whom have dedicated their lives to serving various industries in Pakistan, are expressing their discontent with the current state of their pensions.

The protest has drawn attention to several critical issues, including delayed payments, lack of transparency, and insufficient pension amounts that fail to keep up with inflation.

Is There Any Increase in EOBI Pension?

One of the primary questions on everyone’s mind is whether there will be an increase in EOBI pensions. Despite numerous promises and assurances from the authorities, the pension amounts have largely remained stagnant.

The pensioners are demanding a substantial increase, citing the drastic rise in the cost of living and inflation. They argue that the current pension amount is not enough to cover basic expenses, forcing them to live in financial distress.

What is the Current Rate of EOBI?

The current rate of EOBI pensions stands at approximately 10,000 rupees per month. This amount, according to the pensioners, is grossly inadequate.

Many are struggling to make ends meet, with the pension amount barely covering their essential needs, let alone any medical or emergency expenses. The pensioners are calling for a significant increase in the pension rate to align it with the current economic conditions.

What is the Minimum Service for EOBI Pension?

To qualify for an EOBI pension, an individual must have a minimum service period of 15 years. However, even those who meet this requirement find themselves grappling with insufficient pension amounts.

The pensioners argue that after dedicating such a significant portion of their lives to their work, they deserve a more substantial and timely pension that reflects their years of service.

EOBI Pensioners Protest in Islamabad

EOBI Pensioners Protest

Protest in Islamabad has seen pensioners from all corners of Pakistan unite in their demand for better pensions.

The protestors are not only highlighting the inadequacy of the pension amounts but also the irregularities in payment and the lack of responsiveness from the EOBI administration.

They have organized a hunger strike, emphasizing the urgency of their demands. The pensioners are calling for a 200% increase in their pensions to help them cope with the soaring inflation rates.

What is Protest in 2020?

The current EOBI Pensioners Protest is reminiscent of the 2020 EOBI pensioners’ protest, where similar grievances were brought to light. In 2020, pensioners took to the streets, demanding timely and increased pension payments.

The protest highlighted the systemic issues within the EOBI system, including bureaucratic red tape and inefficient administration. Despite the 2020 protests, many of the issues remain unresolved, leading to the current demonstration.

What is the Amount of EOBI in 2024?

Looking ahead, pensioners are hopeful that their ongoing EOBI Pensioners Protest will lead to a meaningful increase in the EOBI pension amount by 2024. With the cost of living continuing to rise, the pensioners are calling for a future-proof solution that adjusts the pension amounts in line with inflation.

The goal is to secure a pension amount that not only meets their current needs but also provides a buffer against future economic challenges.


The EOBI pensioners’ protest today in Islamabad is a powerful statement of collective frustration and demand for justice. The protestors are calling for immediate action to address the delayed payments, lack of transparency, and insufficient pension amounts.

They are united in their demand for a 200% increase in their pensions, reflecting the true cost of living in today’s economic climate.

The government of Pakistan is under immense pressure to respond to these demands. If the pensioners’ united front and powerful strikes continue, it may leave the authorities with no choice but to grant the much-needed pension increases.

This protest is not just about financial relief; it is about dignity, respect, and ensuring a better quality of life for those who have given so much to the country.

Stay tuned for the latest news and updates on the EOBI pensioners’ protest. For more information on how you can support the cause or join the community, visit our website. Together, we can make a difference.

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